Monday, May 18, 2020

Chapter 2 study guide - 1090 Words

1. What are some positive and negative things about China’s location? Some of the positive things about China’s location was that it was separated from the rest of the world which caused very few conflicts to occur with other early civilizations. However due to this separation from other civilizations, China did not have as much influence in technology or culture from other civilizations. 2. What is the most ancient philosophy in China? The most ancient philosophy accepted in China is called Dao which was the appreciation of a balanced life without excess of anything. PATTERNS IN CLASSICAL CHINA 3. What kind of things would cause or signal a dynasties decline? Some things that would cause a dynasties decline†¦show more content†¦RELIGION AND CULTURE 15. What are the basic tenets (ideas) of Confucianism. The basic tenets of Confucianism were that everyone was to be treated specially, and that everyone was required to go to school. 16. What was the alternative to Confucianism? What did it advocate? The alternative to Confucianism was Legalism, and it advocated strict adherence to law as it believed that human nature was evil and needed strict rule. 17. What was a weakness of Confucianism? A weakness to Confucianism was that everyone was required to be part of society which led to much distress in the Chinese people. 18. What was not necessary in Daoism to achieve a good life that was necessary in Confucianism? In Daoism you set your own ethics while in Confucianism 19. What became the basis for the civil service exam? The basis for the civil service exam came from high valued literature and art which made a set of five classics which were used as the basis for the civil service exam. 20. What scientific advances did the Chinese make? Chinese made advances in subjects such as astronomy, which led to the creation of the calendar. Instruments, mathematics and, music. ECONOMY AND SOCIETY 21. Describe the social structure (who is included and what do they do). 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